πŸ“Š Tabular model scanΒΆ

The Giskard python library provides an automatic scan functionality designed to automatically detect potential vulnerabilities affecting your ML model. It enables you to proactively identify and address key issues to ensure the reliability, fairness, and robustness of your Machine Learning models.

Step 1: Wrap your datasetΒΆ

To scan your model, start by wrapping your dataset. This should be a validation or test set in Pandas format.

⚠️ Warning

It’s highly recommended that you wrap your data before preprocessing so that you can easily interpret the scan results. If you’re unable to (because your prediction function can’t integrate your data preprocessing steps), we recommend you add columns that are not features of your model as metadata to your dataset. This provides better scan results.

# Wrap your Pandas DataFrame with Giskard.Dataset (validation or test set)
giskard_dataset = giskard.Dataset(
    df=df,  # A pandas.DataFrame containing raw data (before pre-processing) and including ground truth variable.
    target="Survived",  # Ground truth variable
    name="Titanic dataset", # Optional: Give a name to your dataset
    cat_columns=['Pclass', 'Sex', "SibSp", "Parch", "Embarked"]  # List of categorical columns. Optional, but improves quality of results if available.

For further examples, check out the tutorials section.

Click to view parameter details
  • Mandatory parameters

    • df: A pandas.DataFrame containing raw data (before pre-processing) and including ground truth variable. Extra columns not included as features of the model can remain in df.

  • Optional parameters _ target: The column name in df corresponding to the ground truth variable. _ name: Give a name to your dataset. _ cat_columns: List of strings representing names of categorical columns.Can be binary, numerical, or textual with a few unique values. If not provided, column types will be inferred automatically. _ column_types: Dictionary of column names and their types (numeric, category or text) for all columns of df. If not provided, column types will be inferred automatically.

Step 2: Wrap your modelΒΆ

Next, wrap your model. You can wrap either the prediction function (recommended) or model object, as shown here:

Wrapping your model through the prediction function is the preferred method. The prediction function is any Python function that takes as input a raw Pandas dataframe, pre-processes your data and returns the predictions.

Some important conditions:

  1. prediction_function encapsulates all the data pre-processing steps (categorical encoding, numerical scaling, etc.).

  2. prediction_function(df[feature_names]) does not return an error message.

def prediction_function(df):
    preprocessed_df = demo_data_processing_function(df) # The pre-processor can be a pipeline of one-hot encoding, imputer, scaler, etc.
    return demo_classification_model.predict_proba(preprocessed_df)

giskard_model = giskard.Model(
    classification_labels=demo_classification_model.classes_,  # The order MUST be identical to the prediction_function's output order
    feature_names=['PassengerId', 'Pclass', 'Name', 'Sex', 'Age', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Fare', 'Embarked'],  # Default: all columns of your dataset
    name="titanic_model", # Optional: give it a name to identify it in metadata
    # classification_threshold=0.5, # Optional: Default: 0.5

For further examples, check out the tutorials section.

Click to view parameter details
  • Mandatory parameters

    • model: A prediction function that takes a pandas.DataFrame as input and returns an array (\(n\times m\)) of probabilities corresponding to \(n\) data entries (rows of pandas.DataFrame) and \(m\) classification_labels. In the case of binary classification, an array (\(n\times 1\)) of probabilities is also accepted.

    • model_type: The type of model, either regression, classification or text_generation.

    • classification_labels: The list of unique categories for your dataset’s target variable. If classification_labels is a list of \(m\) elements, make sure that: prediction_function is returning a (\(n\times m\)) array of probabilities and classification_labels have the same order as the output of prediction_function.

  • Optional parameters

    • name: Give a name to the wrapped model to identify it in metadata.

    • feature_names: An optional list of the column names of your feature. By default, feature_names are all the columns in your dataset. Make sure these features are all present and in the same order as they are in your training dataset.

    • classification_threshold: Model threshold for binary classification problems.

import numpy as np

def prediction_function(df):
    preprocessed_df = demo_data_processing_function(df) # The pre-processor can be a pipeline of one-hot encoding, imputer, scaler, etc.
    return np.squeeze(demo_regression_model.predict(preprocessed_df))

giskard_model = giskard.Model(
    feature_names=['x'],  # Default: all columns of your dataset
    name="linear_model", # Optional: give it a name to identify it in metadata

For further examples, check out the tutorials section.

Click to view parameter details
  • Mandatory parameters

    • model: A prediction function that takes pandas.DataFrame as input and returns an array \(n\) of predictions corresponding to \(n\) data entries (rows of pandas.DataFrame).

    • model_type: The type of model, either regression, classification or text_generation.

  • Optional parameters

    • name: Give a name to the wrapped model to identify it in metadata.

    • feature_names: An optional list of the column names of your feature. By default, feature_names are all the columns in your dataset. Make sure these features are all present and in the same order as they are in your training dataset.

Wrapping a model object allows Giskard to automatically infer the ML library of your model object and provide a suitable serialization method (provided by save_model and load_model methods).

Some important conditions:

  1. There will be an override of the model_predict method which should take as input the raw pandas dataframe and return the probabilities for each classification labels (classification) or predictions (regression or text_generation).

  2. The pre-defined serialization and prediction methods cover the sklearn, catboost, pytorch, tensorflow, huggingface and langchain libraries. If none of these libraries are detected, cloudpickle is used as the default for serialization. If this fails, we will ask you to also override the save_model and load_model methods where you provide your own serialization of the model object.

class MyCustomModel(giskard.Model):
    def model_predict(self, df):
        preprocessed_df = demo_data_processing_function(df)
        return self.model.predict_proba(preprocessed_df)

giskard_model = MyCustomModel(
    classification_labels=demo_classification_model.classes_,  # Their order MUST be identical to the prediction_function's output order
    feature_names=['PassengerId', 'Pclass', 'Name', 'Sex', 'Age', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Fare', 'Embarked', 'Survived'],  # Default: all columns of your dataset
    name="titanic_model", # Optional: give it a name to identify it in metadata
    # classification_threshold=0.5, # Optional: Default: 0.5
    # model_postprocessing_function=None, # Optional
    # **kwargs # Additional model-specific arguments

For further examples, check out the tutorials section.

Click to view parameter details
  • Mandatory parameters

    • model: Any model from sklearn, catboost, pytorch, tensorflow, huggingface (check the tutorials). If none of these libraries apply to you, we try to serialize your model with cloudpickle. If that also does not work, we ask you to provide us with your own serialization method.

    • model_type: The type of model, either regression, classification or text_generation.

    • classification_labels: The list of unique categories for your dataset’s target variable. If classification_labels is a list of \(m\) elements, make sure that prediction_function is returning a (\(n\times m\)) array of probabilities and classification_labels have the same order as the output of the prediction function.

  • Optional parameters

    • name: Give a name to the wrapped model to identify it in metadata.

    • feature_names: An optional list of the column names of your feature. By default, feature_names are all the columns in your dataset.

    • classification_threshold: Model threshold for binary classification problems.

    • data_preprocessing_function: A function that takes a pandas.DataFrame as raw input, applies pre-processing and returns any object that could be directly fed to model.

    • model_postprocessing_function: A function that takes a model output as input, applies post-processing and returns an object of the same type and shape as the model output.

    • **kwargs: Additional model-specific arguments ( See Models).

import numpy as np

class MyCustomModel(giskard.Model):
    def model_predict(self, df):
        preprocessed_df = demo_data_processing_function(df)
        return np.squeeze(self.model.predict(preprocessed_df))

giskard_model = MyCustomModel(
    feature_names=['x'],  # Default: all columns of your dataset
    name="my_regression_model", # Optional: give it a name to identify it in metadata
    # model_postprocessing_function=None, # Optional
    # **kwargs # Additional model-specific arguments

For further examples, check out the tutorials section.

Click to view parameter details
  • Mandatory parameters

    • model: Any model from sklearn, catboost, pytorch, tensorflow, huggingface (check the tutorials). If none of these libraries apply to you, we try to serialize your model with cloudpickle. If that also does not work, we ask you to provide us with your own serialization method.

    • model_type: The type of model, either regression, classification or text_generation.

  • Optional parameters

    • name: Give a name to the wrapped model to identify it in metadata.

    • feature_names: An optional list of the feature names. By default, feature_names are all the columns in your dataset. Make sure these features are all present and in the same order as they are in your training dataset.

    • data_preprocessing_function: A function that takes a pandas.DataFrame as raw input, applies pre-processing and returns any object that could be directly fed to model.

    • model_postprocessing_function: A function that takes a model output as input, applies post-processing and returns an object of the same type and shape as the model output.

    • **kwargs: Additional model-specific arguments ( See Models).

Step 3: Scan your modelΒΆ

Now you can scan your model and display your scan report:

scan_results = giskard.scan(giskard_model, giskard_dataset)
display(scan_results)  # in your notebook

Tabular scan results

If you are not working in a notebook or want to save the results for later, you can save them to an HTML file like this:


πŸ’‘ Customize your scan

Check our Advanced scan usage page, if you want to:

  • Remove some feature variable from the scan detection

  • Scan with only some specific detectors

  • Customize the thresholds of the scan

What’s next?ΒΆ

Your scan results may have highlighted important vulnerabilities. There are 2 important actions you can take next:

1. Generate a test suite from your scan results to:ΒΆ

  • Turn the issues you found into actionable tests that you can directly integrate in your CI/CD pipeline

test_suite = scan_results.generate_test_suite("My first test suite")

# You can run the test suite locally to verify that it reproduces the issues

Jump to the test customization and test integration sections to find out everything you can do with test suites.

2. Run the test suite with a different model:ΒΆ

# wrap a different model
giskard_model_2 = giskard.Model(...)

# run the test suite with the new model

Check the test suite documentation to learn more.


If you encounter any issues, join our Discord community and ask questions in our #support channel.