πŸ€– Setting up the LLM ClientΒΆ

This guide focuses primarily on configuring and using various LLM clients supported to run Giskard’s LLM-assisted functionalities. These clients include:

  • OpenAI GPT models (such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4)

  • Azure OpenAI

  • Mistral

  • Ollama

  • Any Custom Model

OpenAI GPT-4 Client SetupΒΆ

import giskard
import os
from giskard.llm.client.openai import OpenAIClient

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-…"

oc = OpenAIClient(model="gpt-4-turbo-preview")

Azure OpenAI Client SetupΒΆ

import os
from giskard.llm import set_llm_model

os.environ['AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY'] = '...'
os.environ['AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT'] = 'https://xxx.openai.azure.com'
os.environ['OPENAI_API_VERSION'] = '2023-07-01-preview'

# You'll need to provide the name of the model that you've deployed
# Beware, the model provided must be capable of using function calls

Mistral Client SetupΒΆ

import os
from giskard.llm.client.mistral import MistralClient

os.environ["MISTRAL_API_KEY"] = "sk-…"

mc = MistralClient()

Ollama Client SetupΒΆ

The Ollama setup involves configuring an OpenAI client customized for the Ollama API:

from openai import OpenAI
from giskard.llm.client.openai import OpenAIClient
from giskard.llm.client.mistral import MistralClient

# Setup the Ollama client with API key and base URL
_client = OpenAI(base_url="http://localhost:11434/v1/", api_key="ollama")
oc = OpenAIClient(model="gemma:2b", client=_client)

Custom Client SetupΒΆ

import giskard
from typing import Sequence, Optional
from giskard.llm.client import set_default_client
from giskard.llm.client.base import LLMClient, ChatMessage

class MyLLMClient(LLMClient):
    def __init__(self, my_client):
        self._client = my_client

    def complete(
            messages: Sequence[ChatMessage],
            temperature: float = 1,
            max_tokens: Optional[int] = None,
            caller_id: Optional[str] = None,
            seed: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> ChatMessage:
        # Create the prompt
        prompt = ""
        for msg in messages:
            if msg.role.lower() == "assistant":
                prefix = "\n\nAssistant: "
                prefix = "\n\nHuman: "

            prompt += prefix + msg.content

        prompt += "\n\nAssistant: "

        # Create the body
        params = {
            "prompt": prompt,
            "max_tokens_to_sample": max_tokens or 1000,
            "temperature": temperature,
            "top_p": 0.9,
        body = json.dumps(params)

        response = self._client.invoke_model(
        data = json.loads(response.get("body").read())

        return ChatMessage(role="assistant", message=data["completion"])


If you run into any issues configuring the LLM client, don’t hesitate to ask us on Discord or open a new issue on our GitHub repo.